As you may know, the facility assessment is a regulatory requirement (F838) that occurs at least annually. This assessment encompasses many components and areas of care, including identifying needs and capacity for behavioral health services.
You can use the facility assessment process as a starting point and a valuable tool to get a high-level understanding of your facility’s behavioral health characteristics, demographics, and capabilities. You can then identify any gaps in knowledge, processes, and staffing and develop a roadmap for addressing those gaps and building the necessary behavioral health capacity to meet the needs of your residents. What can you do TODAY?1. Identify your facility’s behavioral health characteristics and demographics.
These include number and percentage of current residents with: a. Mental illness diagnoses
b. Substance use disorder (SUD) diagnoses
c. History of trauma
d. Physicians’ orders for antipsychotic medications
e. Physicians’ orders for psychotropic medications
f. Physicians’ orders for medication assisted treatment (e.g. Buprenorphine)
g. Recent psychiatric hospitalizations
h. Level 2 for mental illness on their Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) and/or PASRR recommendations for specialized services
2. Identify your facility’s current behavioral health capabilities.
This includes identifying all currently available:
a. Staff training on knowledge and skills related to behavioral health needs of residents.
b. Professional behavioral health services available from facility staff, for example a psychiatric nurse, clinical social worker, or behavioral specialist.
c. Professional behavioral health services delivered to facility residents on site by consultants or via visits to community providers. These may include psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, harm reduction providers, and mental health or substance use clinics.
3. Hold a meeting with the facility leadership team to review the findings and identify any gaps between the current residents’ needs and the facility’s currently available services and trainings.
Common action items that result from this assessment include:
a. Additional topics of training identified to be provided to facility staff.
b. Need for a part-time or full-time position to provide specific behavioral health services to residents.
c. Interest in identifying additional behavioral health providers that can service the residents by coming on-site or by sending residents to off-site appointments.
4. Develop an action plan to address the identified gaps.
The COE-NF offers training opportunities that may match identified behavioral health gaps.
The COE-NF is available to support your facility in any of these guidance areas. CLICK HERE to contact the COE-NF today.