The December 2023 issue of the Hospital Quality Improvement Newsletter features the latest insights and resources.
Upcoming Learning and Action Network (LAN) Events
Workplace Violence Prevention: Best Practices for Safer Care
National Antibiotic Stewardship Updates and Promising Practices
Recorded November 9
Antibiotic Stewardship (AS) remains a national priority aimed at optimizing antibiotic use to effectively treat infections, protect patients from harms caused by unnecessary use and combat antibiotic resistance. This webinar featured insights from a CDC physician, a hospitalist lead for a statewide AS medicine safety initiative and a hospital AS pharmacist lead.
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Check out other COP Call topics, such as Sepsis Mortality reduction, CAUTI, and Social Determinants of Health on the Alliant HQIC website under Education on Demand.
Behavioral Health & Opioid Stewardship
AHRQ Stats: Adult Opioid Fills, 2020 to 2021
Between 2020 and 2021, 6.4% of adults aged 18 to 64 filled at least one outpatient opioid prescription and 1.8% filled four or more annually. Read More
Antibiotic Stewardship
Funding Available For Projects To Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antibiotic Resistance
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is funding innovative research proposals to prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria (CARB). Applications are due Jan. 25 for demonstration and dissemination projects (R18) and Feb. 5 for large research projects (R01). HAI projects in both grant categories should demonstrate new ways to detect, prevent and reduce HAIs. CARB projects should address ways to promote appropriate antibiotic use, reduce the transmission of resistant bacteria or prevent HAIs. The funding is available to support research in all healthcare settings: long-term care, ambulatory care, acute care hospitals, and those focusing on transitions between care settings. AHRQ encourages potential applicants to consider research in health care delivery areas with demonstrated health inequities and to address those equity issues in their proposed projects. Read More
Adverse Drug Events
Study: Universal EHRs Clinical Decision Support for Thromboprophylaxis in Medical Inpatients
Thromboprophylaxis for medically ill patients during hospitalization and post-discharge remains underutilized. Clinical decision support may address this need if embedded within the workflow, interchangeable among electronic health records, and anchored on a validated model. Read Study
Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)
Infection Prevention Resources
Check out updated NHSN and IP training resources. View Resources
CDC's 2022 HAI Progress Report Shows Decrease in Infections in Acute Care Hospitals
The CDC released the 2022 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Progress Report. While some settings saw no change or increase in infections, Acute Care Hospitals reported significant decreases in some HAIs between 2021 and 2022:
The 2022 HAI Progress Report continues to highlight the need for healthcare facilities to reinforce infection prevention and control practices. The report also reviews HAI surveillance data to identify areas that need improvement and address any gaps. Read the 2022 HAI Progress Report
This material was prepared by Alliant Health Solutions, a Quality Innovation Network–Quality Improvement Organization (QIN – QIO) under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Views expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of CMS or HHS, and any reference to a specific product or entity herein does not constitute endorsement of that product or entity by CMS or HHS. Publication Number:TO3-HQIC--4920-12/05/23