A monthly newsletter highlighting events and resources for Nursing Homes & Partnerships for Community Health
In This Issue:

Register Today: 2023 CMS Quality Conference The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Conference is a touchpoint and opportunity for solutions-oriented discussions. This year’s theme—Building Resilient Communities: Having an Equitable Foundation for Quality Healthcare—is an essential step in addressing work yet to be done on institutional and community equity across all areas of health care.
The conference will cover eight unique tracks, allowing for diverse conversations on a range of crucial topics:
- Patient Safety
- Advancing Health Equity
- Expanding Access to Quality & Affordable Behavioral and Physical Healthcare
- Collecting and Using Quality Data
- Engaging Partners and Communities
- Healthcare System Resiliency
- High Reliability and Quality Improvement
- New Innovation and Technology
Join the conference virtually May 1-3, 2023. Register Here

Upcoming Learning & Action Network (LAN) Event
- Combined Partnerships for Community Health and Nursing Homes: Ideas for National Health Care Decisions Day and Beyond: Looking at Hope in a New Way
Thursday, March 23, 2023, at 12:30 p.m. ET (30 min.) *ANCC contact hours and NAB credit awarded* Few interactions are as satisfying as helping patients identify and then attain their goals. Join us as we learn about giving hope as a high-reliability function of health care. You’ll also learn how you can partner in this year’s National Healthcare Decisions Day campaign to promote advanced health care decision conversations. Learning Objectives:
- Learn how a new framework makes it possible to reliably create hope for patients even—and especially—as goals of care change over time.
- Learn about NHDD and available resources, tools and tips to help you plan.
- Walk away with concrete, simple ways to participate in NHDD.
Previous Learning & Action Network (LAN) Event
- Combined Partnerships for Community Health and Nursing Homes: Leveraging Technology to Support Safer Transitions of Care
Recorded on January 26 Post-hospital contact with a primary care team is an established pillar of safe transitions. The prevailing model of telephone outreach is usually limited in scope and operationally burdensome. In this session, Eric Bressman, MD, MSHP, Fellow, National Clinician Scholars Program, University of Pennsylvania, and Corporal at Michael J. Crescenz, VA Medical Center, shared learnings from a study to evaluate the use of an automated text message-based program to reduce hospitalizations and emergency department visits. View Slides | Watch Recording
Register for Upcoming LAN Events | Watch Previous LAN Events and Bite-Size Learnings

Were You Able to "Use Tomorrow" What You Heard During the LAN Events?
If Yes, Click Below. Nursing Homes LAN Attendees: Click here Partnership for Community Health LAN Attendees: Click here
Upcoming Infection Prevention Shop Talks
- March 2023 Shop Talk Call
Thursday, March 16 at 2 p.m. ET | 1 p.m. CT (60 min.) **ANCC and NAB credit awarded** Join the monthly Shop Talk sessions hosted by the Alliant patient safety team. Attendees will receive updates on the NHSN database and CMS requirements. We will review COVID-19 Weekly Vaccination Module Updates for long-term care facilities. There will also be a live question-and-answer session to help with your immediate needs. Submitting data accurately into NHSN will help you more confidently plan your risk assessments and quality improvement initiatives. Register Now
View Previous Shop Talks
Join the Alliant Health Solutions-LTC NHSN Group! Joining the group and conferring rights to Alliant Health Solutions-LTC to view NHSN data allows for seamless support and technical assistance. View Step-By-Step Guide
Leadership Lesson Words of advice from leaders on the front lines. This month’s leadership lesson is from Carolyn Kazdan, Aim Lead of partnerships for community health and nursing homes.
Leadership Lessons From the Super Bowl Fifty years after women were first allowed to be pilots in the U.S. Navy, another glass ceiling was broken when, for the first time ever, the pre-game flyover before Super Bowl LVII on Feb. 12 was conducted by an all-female crew. I had the privilege of meeting the crew on the field after the game. Their successful flyover only lasted seconds but required a lot of behind-the-scenes teamwork and constant communication between each other and their on-field logistics team.
Witnessing these amazing women and their teams make history reminds us of the importance of communication, teamwork and trust. Just as the Navy pilots relied on these skills to execute an exciting Super Bowl flyover, we must also use the same skills to create successful experiences and outcomes for our patients, residents, care partners and employees.
Like the Super Bowl, health care requires a massive behind-the-scenes team to create positive experiences for our customers and staff. These teams include clinicians, maintenance, housekeeping, dietary, therapists, staff educators, patient experience officers, and patient and family advisors—to name a few!
As health care leaders, our job is to:
- Foster teamwork and create an environment that sets up our teams for success.
- Ensure a laser focus on communication throughout our organizations and with our partners across the continuum of care.
- Plan for daily operations and the unexpected
- Trust and verify
Like the women who flew over Phoenix's State Farm Stadium, find your glass ceiling and break it. And remember to find joy in your work.
Best Practice Corner Each month Alliant Health Solutions collects exemplary practices from organizations across the seven-state region. Thank you for your leadership, creativity and perseverance.
Culture of Change Network of Georgia Hosting Webinar on Antipsychotics, Psychotropics and Dementia The Culture Change Network of Georgia is hosting a free webinar, Let's Talk About Antipsychotics, Psychotropics and Dementia, on Thursday, March 9, from 2-3 p.m. ET. Experts will discuss the use and misuse of antipsychotics and psychotropics. Best practices will also be provided to help prevent the misuse of these drugs and promote non-pharmacological approaches. Register Here
Free Onsite COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for Alabama Long-Term Care Facilities To meet the needs of Alabama’s long-term care population and staff, the Alabama Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Facility Strike Team (LTC Strike Team), in partnership with the Alabama Department of Public Health, offers free onsite COVID-19 vaccination clinics. To request an onsite vaccination clinic, contact the Alabama LTC Strike Team at (205) 934-7140 or email ltcstriketeam@uab.edu. Visit Alabama LTC Strike Team Website
Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Promoting 988 Mental Health Crisis Resources The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse is encouraging its partners to use the SAMHSA communication outreach materials and build upon them with their community coalitions to meet the needs of their specific audiences. Download SAMHSA Materials
Do you have a promising practice to share? Please reply to this email, and we will feature you in an upcoming issue.
Health Equity Corner Alliant Health Solutions' health equity lead, Rosa Abraha, curated the following health trainings, events and resources related to health equity. Check out the resources listed below.
Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government President Biden signed a new Executive Order, Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, which reaffirms and strengthens the administration’s commitment to deliver equity and build an America where all can prosper. The administration is taking critical steps to support underserved communities that have been locked out of opportunity for generations. Read More
Social Determinants of Health Data: Survey Results on the Collection, Integration and Use The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) released a study conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago that examines the operational realities of how social determinants of health (SDOH) data is collected, coded, and used in real-world health care scenarios. NORC surveyed 2,600 AHIMA members and non-members from a pool of 41,000 potential respondents in the early fall of 2022.
Key findings from the survey and white paper include:
- Lack of standardization and integration of the data into an individual’s medical record, even when the data is collected within the organization.
- Insufficient training and education on how to capture, collect, code and use SDOH data.
- Limited use of SDOH data to communicate between healthcare providers and community-based referral organizations.
Read the White Paper
USDA Launches Rural Data Gateway to Strengthen Partnerships and Expand Access to Resources The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small unveiled the Rural Data Gateway, a new resource to make the department’s data for rural projects easier to access for its partners and people living in rural communities. The Rural Data Gateway will help USDA better target resources to those who most need them in rural places. It also will help the department be a stronger partner to rural people, entrepreneurs, government officials and other stakeholders. Learn More
Health Care Equity Standard Elevated to National Patient Safety Goal Effective July 1, the Joint Commission is elevating the health equity standard to the same status as the current national patient safety goal. Learn More
Joint Statement on Digital Health Data Exchange of SDOH Assessments Collecting and exchanging data on SDOH connects individuals, health care organizations and community-based organizations committed to achieving health equity. The National Committee for Quality Assurance, The Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum joined the Sync for Social Needs coalition with the aim of integrating digital SDOH data for standardized exchange across health records using a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)-based approach. Read More
AHSCAST - Making Health Care Better
Everyone deserves quality health care. Tune into the Alliant Health Solutions Making Health Care Better podcast every other Thursday as they interview guests committed to making health care better. If you are a health care consumer, provider, insurer, system or consultant, this is the podcast for you. View All Podcast Episodes |
Our team is collecting and curating the essential trainings, events, resources and vaccine updates about COVID-19 and other viruses on our website so you can find the information you need. We've also outlined the essentials below.
View All COVID-19 News & Resources
Training & Resources
NCRN COVID-Related Resources Available Alliant Health Solutions is a strategic partner of Morehouse School of Medicine's National COVID Resiliency Network (NCRN). We have several resources to assist in mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable populations. Our wellness videos and flyers are especially popular. Check out our webpage, Practice the Pause video and companion flyer.
Evolution of Pandemic Efforts The end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency on May 11 doesn’t mean the CDC will stop tracking COVID-19 and sharing information and data. Most CDC COVID-19 data activities won’t be directly affected, but there will be changes. For example, vaccine administration data may be reduced in some areas. To ensure the public continues to have access to COVID-19 data, the CDC is working to determine which data products remain critical for monitoring public health, preparedness and patient safety. Read More
New COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Fact Sheet CMS has created a new overview fact sheet on CMS Waivers, Flexibilities, and the Transition Forward from the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. COVID-19 efforts have been a significant priority for the Biden-Harris Administration, and with the use of a whole-of-government approach, the country is in a better place. Over the next several months, CMS will work to ensure a smooth transition back to normal operations. Download Fact Sheet
X-Waiver No Longer Required To Treat Opioid Use Disorder As of January 12, 2023, all health care providers with current Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Schedule III authorization may now prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder when permitted by state law. Help your eligible provider partners get started prescribing buprenorphine by sharing the SAMHSA Buprenorphine Quick Start Guide. Learn More | Download Buprenorphine Quick Start Guide
Opioid Prescriber Safety and Support The Opioid Prescriber Safety and Support (OPSS) initiative is part of the CMS Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) program and is led by the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC). Through its Compass Opioid Stewardship Program (OSP), IHC supports eligible clinicians through education and outreach to improve prescribing practices and increase the use of non-opioid pain management therapies for people with Medicare. Eligibility in the program is determined by CMS, which provides IHC with an annual list of eligible clinicians. Currently, there are 257 providers across 37 states enrolled in the OSP program. Learn More
2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain The 2022 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Clinical Practice Guideline is intended to help clinicians:
- Improve communication with patients about the benefits and risks of pain treatments, including opioid therapy for pain
- Improve the safety and effectiveness of pain treatment
- Mitigate pain
- Improve function and quality of life for patients with pain
- Reduce the risks associated with opioid pain therapy (including opioid use disorder, overdose, and death)
View the Guideline
Prevent Opioid Overdose With Naloxone Clinicians play an important role in raising awareness about naloxone, a medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose when given in time. Visit the CDC’s naloxone website to learn how to talk with patients about naloxone and reduce their risk of opioid overdose. You can also earn free continuing education credits. Visit Website
Opioid Resources:
- Medication Reconciliation Tips for Providers & Staff – Use this resource to complete medication reconciliation. Download Resource
- Medication Review Tip Sheet for Patients – Email or print this resource to give to your patients. Download Resource
- Medicine Disposal - Use this resource to dispose of unused, unwanted, and expired medications safely. Download Resource
- Do’s & Don’ts of Pain Medicine - Use this resource to learn how to use pain medicine safely. Download Resource
- My Med Bags
Access FREE expert guidance on this topic: Contact Tanya Vadala |
Infection Preventionists in Long-Term Care The Association for Professionals in Infection Prevention and Epidemiology (APIC) recently published a comprehensive resource describing the role of the infection prevention professional in the long-term care setting. Download Resource
Join a new LTC IPC Forum The American Health Care Association (AHCA) has partnered APIC with funding from CDC Project Firstline to set up a national forum for IPs and infection prevention champions working in long-term care (LTC) to share resources and get their questions answered. This is open to all LTC professionals focusing on infection prevention regardless of certification status or membership in either APIC or AHCA. If you are interested in participating, complete this three-question survey to provide your name and email.
AHS HAI Surveillance and Dashboard Tool The Alliant Health Solutions Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Surveillance & Dashboard tool is a modifiable spreadsheet for nursing facility infection prevention and control (IPC) surveillance. The spreadsheet features line lists, data tables, and graphs for respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, and multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) surveillance. The spreadsheet allows infection preventionists to track and display facility-wide HAIs, which will be useful for reports, quality improvement committees, regulatory visits, etc. The tool can also be adapted for facility-specific IPC needs and surveillance priorities. Download HAI Surveillance and Dashboard Tool
Apply for Long-Term Care Certification in Infection Prevention The application for the Long-Term Care certification in Infection Prevention (LTC-CIP) is now open. The LTC-CIP is the first certification to specifically measure competencies necessary to protect long-term care residents from infection. Successful long-term care infection prevention certification indicates competence in the current basic knowledge needed for persons practicing infection prevention and control within a long-term care setting. Learn More | Watch a Video About the LTC-CIP
NHSN Updates for Long-Term Care Facilities: Vaccination Modules Long-term care (LTC) facilities that are required to report annual health care personnel influenza vaccination data into the National NHSN must do so using the Healthcare Personnel Safety (HPS) Component. Reporting weekly influenza vaccination data through the NHSN LTC Facility Component does not fulfill this reporting requirement. The CDC is not collecting weekly influenza vaccination data for LTC residents and health care personnel covering the 2022-2023 influenza season. The deadline to report the annual health care personnel influenza vaccination summary data through the NHSN HPS Component is May 15, 2023.
Access FREE expert guidance on this topic: Contact Amy Ward |
Infection Prevention Training Looking to increase staff’s infection prevention knowledge in your facility? Alliant Health Solutions, in collaboration with Rainmakers Strategic Solutions, developed an IP Training Implementation Guide to assist you! Download the IP Training Implementation Guide
Got questions? Need help? Want more information? Contact Rainmakers Strategic Solutions at 800-950-5636 or email NHIPTraining@rainmakerssolutions.com.
Access FREE expert guidance on this topic: Contact Amy Ward |
Medical Nutrition Therapy Can Improve and Maintain Kidney Health March is National Kidney and Nutrition Month, making it the perfect time to focus on chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevention. According to the US Renal Data System 2022 Annual Data Report, CKD is one of the leading chronic diseases affecting Medicare beneficiaries in our states.
CKD has a significant effect on public health, as the increasing rates of obesity, hypertension and diabetes have made it more challenging to reduce CKD prevalence. Lifestyle factors are a crucial component in CKD prevention, and awareness is needed regarding changes in lifestyle and self-management behaviors. Research has shown that medical nutrition therapy (MNT) provided by a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) experienced in CKD slows the progression of the disease and improves nutrition-related clinical outcomes such as blood pressure, blood glucose, lipids, and weight management. Although nutrition management can slow the progression of CKD, few individuals with CKD receive MNT with an RDN before initiating dialysis.
The current practice guidelines from the American Diabetes Association and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) emphasize the essential role of medical nutrition therapy, comprising ample access to nutritional management from a specialty-trained RDN to manage chronic diseases, including diabetes and chronic kidney disease optimally.
Learn more about these guidelines, Medicare’s no-cost share coverage for MNT, and how you can support your patients’ kidney health with these resources:
In addition, don’t forget to promote “Kidney Health for All – Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable” during World Kidney Day on March 9, and urge your patients, community, and loved ones to get screened for diabetes on American Diabetes Alert Day on March 28.
Nursing Home Readmissions Affinity Group Session #6 Join us on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 2 p.m. ET for the Nursing Home Readmissions Affinity Group Series Session 6: Engaging the Patient and Care Partner Resident. Nursing Home CEUs and ANCC credits are available for administrators and nurses.
Participants will learn about tools designed to enhance communication between the care team, patients, and care partners and to help patients communicate what matters most to them during their stay and as they transition to the next level of care. Register Here In addition, our February session on engaging the interdisciplinary team in patient and care partner education featured a great sharing by a nursing home that began utilizing the AHS CHF Zone Tool early in the patient’s stay. View Materials
Online Readmission Module 1: AHRQ IDEAL Discharge Readmission to the hospital within 30 days of discharge can result in adverse patient outcomes, lower customer service scores and readmission penalties, and is often avoidable. Alliant Health Solutions created an online resource module that includes an overview and implementation steps of The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) IDEAL Discharge Strategy. The module consists of four bite-size learning videos and five one-page resources that support the key elements of the IDEAL Discharge:
Visit the Alliant Health Solutions website to view and download the IDEAL Discharge materials and get started today!
COVID-19 Booster Video: We Can Do This Alliant Health Solutions partnered with a health literacy expert and our Beneficiary and Family Advisory Council to produce a two-minute video to help raise awareness and address common reasons for declining the COVID-19 booster vaccination.
The video encourages those in our communities to get the COVID-19 booster. It also features our recent one-page flyer explaining the benefits of the COVID-19 booster and provides directions on using a QR code to find a convenient vaccination location.
Ways to use this video:
- Play the video in the lobby, waiting room, family council meeting and or patient television channels in your organization
- Share broadly with community organizations such as:
- Senior centers
- Grocery stores
- Faith-based organization
- Adult daycare centers
- Assisted living centers
The video is available on the Alliant Health Solutions YouTube channel. Watch Video
Members of the Beneficiary & Family Advisory Council are our partners in making health care better. To join us in this important work, contact Mel Brown or submit this referral form.
Browse resources our council has worked on below:
Celebrate National Nutrition Month in March National Nutrition Month is an annual nutrition education and information campaign by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign, held in March, focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. Read More
Keep on Your Feet—Preventing Older Adult Falls Falls are common and costly, especially among Americans aged 65 and older. But falls are preventable and do not have to be an inevitable part of aging. Take steps to stay safe and independent longer. Read More
MyMobility Plan Many people make financial plans for retirement, but not everyone plans for other changes that may come with age. This includes changes in mobility—your ability to get around. The CDC’s MyMobility Plan provides tips and a list of actions you and your loved ones can take today to help keep you safe and independent in the future. Download MyMobility Plan
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