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Questions for the Alliant Boost Team? Email Boost@allianthealth.org
February 15, 2022
In this Issue |
Best Practice of the Week/ Center Highlight of the Week
- Celebrating New Horizons Nursing Facilities
Latest Guidance/Updates
- CMS Makes Nursing Home COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Data Available Online, Increasing Transparency for Consumers
- Updated CDC healthcare infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance documents
- CMS Issues Letter on Healthcare Worker Vaccine Rule
- Unvaccinated adults 23 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 during Omicron wave than adults who were vaccinated and boosted, CDC study finds
New Materials & Resources
- **NEW** Reach the Alliant Boost Team through this new email address: Boost@allianthealth.org - please reach out with questions, comments, etc.
- Book Review: "Brush Fire: Covid-19 and Our Nursing Homes" by Deke Cateau, CEO of A.G. Rhodes
- Case vignettes using Motivational Interviewing to help individuals with concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines
- Enhancing Motivation for Change Guide
- Practical Approaches at Forest Hills
- *NEW* CMS Resources: Survey Resources with Staff Vaccine Documents
- COVID & Vaccination for Aging Adults: Update on Omicron and More
- Click HERE or visit https://bit.ly/GiveTheBoostAShot to download helpful resources and materials.
- CDC Website: Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines - Updated Jan. 24, 2022
- CDC Nursing Home COVID-19 Vaccination Data Dashboard
- COVID-19 Vaccine Access in Long-term Care Settings
- Download the Public Health Communication Collaborative toolkit
Register for Upcoming Give the Boost a Shot Events
- Education on Wednesdays *ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
- Wednesday, February 16, 2022 from 2-2:30 p.m. ET/ 1-1:30 p.m. CT: Join Darcy J. Watson, BSN, LNHA, Quality Consultant, Alliant Health Solutions for a session on Vaccine Clinics. REGISTER
- Clinician Office Hours on Thursdays *ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
- Thursday, February 17, 2022 from 2-2:30 p.m. ET/ 1-1:30 p.m. CT: Join Marilee Johnson, MBA, MT (ASCP) – Alliant Technical Advisor, Infection Prevention, Alliant Health Solutions for Clinician Office Hours: NSHN Shop Talk (audience NSHN users). The format will be a brief presentation followed by Q&A session (30-minute timeframe). REGISTER
Give the Boost a Shot Event Recordings
About Give the Boost a Shot
Best Practice/Center of the Week |
Celebrating New Horizons Nursing Facilities
New Horizons Nursing Homes had over 95% residents fully vaccinated with boosters and over 80% staff vaccinated even before the mandate. They achieved this by having:
- Integrated leadership team (Administrator, DON, Medical Director) making all COVID related decisions together.
- A vaccine forward attitude (talking to all staff about getting vaccine-normalize vaccine championing).
- The leadership team host regular Town Hall meetings (Medical Director discussed updated information on COVID-19 and facts on vaccination while answering staff questions in safe space) and had one-on-one meeting with staff on specific questions.
- COVID clinical meetings during clinical meeting time (5-15 minutes/2-5 days a week) and discussed how vaccination of residents and staff fit into keeping residents and staff safe.
This gave staff trust and confidence in taking the shot. Speaking with one voice, championing vaccination and explaining the rationale to staff in clinical meeting not only increased staff rates of vaccine, but it also increased their ability to advocate vaccine protection for their friends and families in the community. Contact Kerry.Smith@nghs.com for more information on this best practice.
Share your best practices! Email Leighann: Leighann.Sauls@allianthealth.org
Latest Guidance/Updates |
- CMS Makes Nursing Home COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Data Available Online, Increasing Transparency for Consumers
As part of its commitment to improve transparency and help families and caregivers find the best nursing home care for their loved ones, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is now posting data on COVID-19 vaccine booster shots administered to nursing home residents and staff on the Medicare.gov Care Compare website. The data will show resident and staff booster rates at the facility level and will include national and state averages. The current data indicate that the rate of booster shots administered to nursing home residents is comparable to the national average for adults over the age of 65. It also shows the rate of booster shots administered to nursing home staff lags behind the national average of those over the age of 18 (for staff). Read more.
- Updated CDC healthcare infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance documents
- CMS Issues Letter on Healthcare Worker Vaccine Rule
On February 1, 2022, CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure issued the following letter to healthcare facility administrators on the importance of staff COVID-19 vaccinations and the current CMS requirements. To view or download the letter, please click on the document below, or visit the CMS current emergencies web page.
- Unvaccinated adults 23 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 during Omicron wave than adults who were vaccinated and boosted, CDC study finds
The Hill (2/1, Sullivan) reports “unvaccinated adults were 23 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 during the Omicron wave than adults who were vaccinated and boosted, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that “found by far the highest rates of cases and hospitalizations among unvaccinated people, followed by vaccinated but not boosted people, with vaccinated and boosted people having the most protection.” The study also found that “hospitalizations were 5.3 times higher among the unvaccinated than vaccinated but not boosted.”
New Materials & Resources |
- Book Review: "Brush Fire: Covid-19 and Our Nursing Homes" by Deke Cateau, CEO of A.G. Rhodes
"Brush Fire" chronicles the challenges that nursing home residents and staff experienced in their difficult and lengthy battle against COVID-19. In his authorial debut, Deke gives a sobering behind-the-scenes look into what his organization, and undoubtedly thousands of other senior care organizations, faced during the global pandemic. Perhaps most importantly, Brush Fire gives hope and direction on how a historically misunderstood industry can emerge out of the ashes stronger than ever. Alliant has purchased and will distribute copies of Deke's book to Nursing Homes enrolled in Alliant's quality improvement initiatives. Meet Deke at the March 2, 2022 Boost Education event!
- ICYMI - During last week's Boost Education event, Stacy Hull, LPC, MAC, CPCS presented on Motivational Interviewing and invited colleagues to role play how to have conversations with individuals who have concerns about the vaccines. Listen to the recording.
- TIP 35: Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment
This guide helps clinicians influence their client's change process by incorporating motivational interventions into substance use disorder treatment programs. Authoring Agency Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Practical Approaches: Forest Hills of DC, a long-term care facility in Washington, D.C. has already achieved high vaccination in Q1. Find out how they did it by downloading this flyer to learn their philosophy and the top eight ways to reach people.

- *NEW* CMS Resources: Survey Resources with Staff Vaccine Documents
On this new website page is a zip file that contains all the updated FTags, and the new COVID-19 Staffing Matrix surveyors will be using.
- COVID & Vaccination for Aging Adults: Update on Omicron and More
Watch this video created by Leslie Kernisan, MD, MPH, from Better Health While Aging, that provides an update on the Omicron surge. Topics discussed include whether Omicron is milder in older adults, what is known about rapid testing for Omicron, what to know about the current hospital situation and how to stay safer during the surge.
- CDC Website: Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines - Updated Jan. 24, 2022
More than 535 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through January 24, 2022. To view the current total number of COVID-19 vaccinations that have been administered in the United States, please visit the CDC COVID Data Tracker.
- CDC Nursing Home COVID-19 Vaccination Data Dashboard
This dashboard displays data at the national and state level on COVID-19 vaccination coverage among residents and staff of CMS-certified nursing homes. These summaries represent data that nursing homes reported to the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module using weekly vaccination forms. Join BOOST Office Hours & NHSN Shop Talk on the third Thursdays for technical assistance with CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). |
- COVID-19 Vaccine Access in Long-term Care Settings
The federal government is committed to ensuring that residents and staff in long-term care (LTC) settings, such as nursing homes, assisted living, residential care communities, group homes and senior housing, have access to COVID-19 vaccines to receive primary series and booster shots. For additional examples of LTC settings, see COVID-19 Vaccine Access in Long-Term Care Settings. The goal is to continue to protect those who are disproportionately affected by COVID-19—especially residents of LTC settings. All LTC settings that request assistance accessing COVID-19 vaccines for their residents and staff will receive the support they need.
- Download the Public Health Communication Collaborative toolkit. It includes infographics, talking points and sample social media graphics regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
- Click HERE or visit https://bit.ly/GiveTheBoostAShot to download helpful resources and materials.
Upcoming Give the Boost a Shot Events *ANCC Contact Hours Awarded* |
Join us and invite clinical colleagues every Wednesdays for an educational event. On Thursdays, we'll take a deeper dive into your challenges and questions during Clinician Office Hours. Each week we will focus on the concerns and questions from different clinician groups.
- First Thursday of the Month: Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Primary and Booster Uptake (Audience: NH Admins, DONs, Direct Care Staff) - Led by Jeremy Bischoff LHNA, BA – Alliant Quality Improvement Initiative Advisor
- Second Thursday of the Month: Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Infection Prevention (Audience: Facility IPs) – Led by Amy Ward MS, BSN, RN, CIC – Alliant Infection Prevention Specialist
- Third Thursday of the Month: Clinician Office Hours: NSHN Shop Talk (audience NSHN users) - Led by Marilee Johnson MBA, MT (ASCP) – Alliant Technical Advisor, Infection Prevention
- Fourth Thursday of the Month: Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Primary and Booster Uptake (audience MD, PA, Advance Practice staff) – Led by Swati Gaur MD, MBA, CMD, AGSF. Turn your cameras on and join in the conversation!
Registration Link
Wednesday, 2/16/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Education Event:
Join Darcy J. Watson, BSN, LNHA, Quality Consultant, Alliant Health Solutions for a session on Vaccine Clinics.
- To demonstrate the recent statistical evidence of booster efficacy
- To ascertain the current challenges with booster uptake (will have polling questions)
- To understand and mitigate the challenges with LTC providers obtaining the booster To assist facilities in conducting efficient and ongoing onsite clinics
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Thursday, 2/17/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Office Hours & Shop Talk:
Clinician Office Hours: NSHN Shop Talk
Audience: NSHN users
Led by Marilee Johnson, MBA, MT (ASCP) – Alliant Technical Advisor, Infection Prevention
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Wednesday, 2/23/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Education Event:
Join Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, Senior Medical Director, UnitedHealthcare Retiree Solutions to learn more about Long COVID and Boosters.
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Thursday, 2/24/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Office Hours:
Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Primary and Booster Uptake
Audience: MD, PA, Advance Practice staff
Turn your cameras on and join in the conversation!
Led by Swati Gaur, MD, MBA, CMD, AGSF
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Download Flyer |
Wednesday, 3/2/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Education Event:
Join us for this special session featuring Deke Cataeu, the Chief Executive Officer at A.G. Rhodes, a nonprofit organization operating three nursing homes in metro Atlanta, to hear how he is leading discussions with staff, residents, and families to increase the booster rates.
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Thursday, 3/3/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Office Hours:
Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Primary and Booster Uptake
Audience: NH Admins, DONs, Direct Care Staff
Turn your cameras on and join in the conversation!
Led by Jeremy Bischoff, LHNA, BA – Alliant Quality Improvement Initiative Advisor
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Wednesday, 3/9/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Education Event
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Thursday, 3/10/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Office Hours:
Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Infection Prevention
Audience: Facility IPs
Turn your cameras on and join in the conversation!
Led by Amy Ward, MS, BSN, RN, CIC – Alliant Infection Prevention Specialist
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Wednesday, 3/16/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Education Event
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Thursday, 3/17/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Office Hours & Shop Talk:
Clinician Office Hours: NSHN Shop Talk
Audience: NSHN users
Led by Marilee Johnson, MBA, MT (ASCP) – Alliant Technical Advisor, Infection Prevention
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Wednesday, 3/23/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Education Event
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Register |
Thursday, 3/24/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Office Hours:
Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Primary and Booster Uptake
Audience: MD, PA, Advance Practice staff
Turn your cameras on and join in the conversation!
Led by Swati Gaur, MD, MBA, CMD, AGSF
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded*
Download Flyer |
Wednesday, 3/30/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Education Event
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded* |
Register |
Thursday, 3/31/22
2-2:30 p.m. ET/
1-1:30 p.m. CT
BOOST Office Hours
*ANCC Contact Hours Awarded* |
Register |
Give the Boost a Shot Event Recordings |
Recording Link
Give the Boost a Shot Kick Off Event: Learn the why behind this 12-week program.
With Leighann Sauls, RN, CDN, Program Director (Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee), Alliant Health Solutions, JoVonn Givens, MPH, Program Director (Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana), Alliant Health Solutions, Jeremy Bischoff, LHNA, BA, Quality Advisor, Alliant Health Solutions, and Lisa Davies, CPHQ, LNHA, RD, LD, Quality Improvement Initiative Manager, Alliant Health Solutions
Recording |
Thursday, 1/20/22
BOOST Office Hours: BOOST Office Hours & Shop Talk: Clinician Office Hours: NSHN Shop Talk (audience NSHN users)
With Marilee Johnson MBA, MT (ASCP), Alliant Technical Advisor, Infection Prevention
Recording |
BOOST Education Event: COVID-19 Vaccine Booster and Health Equity
With Rosa Abraha, MPH, Health Equity Lead, Alliant Health Solutions
Recording |
Thursday, 1/27/22
BOOST Office Hours: Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Primary and Booster Uptake - (audience MD, PA, Advance Practice staff)
With Swati Gaur MD, MBA, CMD, AGSF, Medical Director, Post Acute Care, Northeast Georgia Health System
Recording |
BOOST Education Event:
Join Stacy Hull, LPC, MAC, CPCS, Aim Lead, Behavioral Health, Alliant Health Solutions for part 1 of a presentation on Using Motivational Interviewing to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations
Recording |
Thursday, 2/3/22
BOOST Office Hours:
Join Jeremy Bischoff, LHNA, BA, Quality Advisor, Alliant Health Solutions for Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Primary and Booster Uptake. This Office Hours session is geared toward NH Admins, DONs, and Direct Care Staff. The format will be a brief presentation followed by Q&A session (30-minute timeframe)
Recording |
BOOST Education Event:
Join Stacy Hull, LPC, MAC, CPCS, Aim Lead, Behavioral Health, Alliant Health Solutions for Using Motivational Interviewing to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations Part 2: Practical Application. Participants will hear scenarios using the skills of Motivational Interviewing.
- Define Motivational Interviewing
- Understand the OARS in Motivational Interviewing
- Understand interviewing skills and strategies
Recording |
Thursday, 2/10/22
BOOST Office Hours: Clinician Office Hours: Focus on Infection Prevention (Audience – Facility IPs)
Led by Amy Ward, MS, BSN, RN, CIC – Alliant Infection Prevention Specialist
Recording |
About the Give the Shot a Boost Program |
Alliant Health Solutions received a direct change order from CMS to provide support to nursing homes to help accelerate resident vaccination rates. This intensive 12-week program includes the following services and activities:
- Tuesdays: You will receive a weekly email bulletin dedicated to this program with the latest updates and tools you can use to help increase vaccination and booster rates.
- Wednesdays: Participate in a weekly educational event for all nursing homes to provide the latest information and tools to help accelerate rates.
- Thursdays: Take advantage of weekly office hours sessions for clinicians to share best practices, updates in clinical guidance, and science.
- A dedicated website page with resources and materials.
- Access to experts in epidemiology, quality improvement, and infection control.
For more information about Alliant Health Solutions, visit the website: quality.allianthealth.org.
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