Alliant Health Solutions is a strategic partner with Morehouse School of Medicine within the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN). The Network was established to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on priority populations. NCRN is created for the community, by the community, with the intent to ensure the diverse needs of our nation are understood and addressed. Together, we can reduce the negative outcomes and impact of COVID-19 on our communities. Will you join us? Click HERE and subscribe to the NCRN newsletter or join the Regional Community Coalition to let your voice be heard.
National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN)
Strategic Partner Monthly Information and Resources
In This Issue
Alliant-Created Resources
Long COVID Self-Care Toolkit
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in five people who get COVID-19 have lingering symptoms, some of which are severe. Much like the virus itself, the medical community continues to learn more about the condition, commonly referred to as long COVID. Alliant Health Solutions created an easy-to-follow self-care toolkit for patients with the most recognized symptoms and self-care and advocacy recommendations. Download the toolkit to print or share with others.
Video: Get your Pneumonia Vaccine Today
Alliant Health Solutions created a short video, Pneumonia Spreads Quickly – Get Your Vaccine Today, for seniors and caregivers on the importance of getting the pneumonia vaccine every year. View the Video
Immunization Trivia Kit for Seniors
Alliant Health Solutions developed an immunization trivia kit for seniors with questions, answers, explanations and ideas for use. This is a fun and educational resource for nursing homes, senior centers and others who serve seniors. It focuses on the various immunizations seniors need to stay healthy. Download the Immunization Trivia Kit
CDC's Let's RISE Campaign Encourages All Ages to Get Up to Date on Vaccines
The CDC launched its Let's RISE (Routine Immunizations on Schedule for Everyone) campaign to provide practical strategies, resources, and data to support getting all Americans back on schedule with their routine immunizations to protect everyone from vaccine-preventable diseases.
The "Let's RISE" campaign features calls to action, resources for health care professionals and partners, patient education talking points and visual aids, and data for action. Use Let's RISE campaign resources to encourage catching up on routine vaccinations and to communicate why being up to date on vaccinations is critical for staying healthy.
Reasons for Receiving or Not Receiving Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Vaccinations Among Adults
COVID is still here and still affecting vulnerable populations. Maps and data from Emory University track the ongoing disease and deaths by county and population. Though Covid-19 disease and deaths have greatly decreased with the vaccination and exposure rates, people are still being hospitalized and dying daily throughout the United States, but disproportionately in more vulnerable populations.
The January 2023 Immunize.org newsletter shared Reasons for Receiving or Not Receiving Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Vaccinations Among Adults — United States, November 1–December 10, 2022, from the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Reasons for not receiving the booster may be different than we might typically think, so the information may assist with how to approach patients and identify why they haven’t received a bivalent vaccine. Spoiler alert: not everyone is resistant. Click here for other resources shared in this newsletter or to subscribe to Immunize.org.
Long COVID in Our Communities
The NCRN website features a brief video and handouts about long COVID. Click here to view, download and share the resources.
Move Your Way Campaign
There is a lot of messaging about the best exercise, gym, fitness trends, etc. The Move Your Way® campaign, developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), can help you promote physical activity in your communities.
The campaign shares key recommendations from the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. It emphasizes personalized, practical strategies that people can use to fit more activity into their busy lives while communicating the amount and types of physical activity Americans need to stay healthy. The information includes activities for various ages and those with chronic medical conditions. Share the messaging with your community!
2021 NSDUH National Report
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health Report documents experiences with mental health, substance use, and treatment across racial, ethnic, and age groups in America. Among its key findings, SAMHSA shares that approximately 46.3 million people aged 12 or older (approximately 16.5% of the population) met the criteria for a substance use disorder in 2021, but almost 94% did not receive any treatment.
American Indians or Alaska Natives had the highest likelihood of illicit drug use (36.1%), substance use disorder (27.6%), and nicotine vaping or tobacco product use (36.1%). SAMHSA cautions that estimates from the 2021 report should not be compared with estimates from previous years due to methodological changes necessitated by the pandemic. Read the Report
Available Trainings
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